So, Look what we have here. I started on this project back in 2014 on this little website called the MKS wiki. That website died, for the better or the worse, but it was a playground for people wanting to make fan games. I started development on this project with very little knowledge of how to work Clickteam Fusion 2.5, and the game ended up looking like this.
So yes, fairly ugly. The old blog for the game is still up. Anyway, I manged to actually get some people hyped for what I promised to be a gift from the gods. But I messed up, and couldn't make it. I felt super pressured, and cancelled it on a whim. And after that, I went to messing around for a while longer. Then I made another Carbon Fighters. I don't have any pictures of this one, but all I did was program a half done Mario.
But now I'm making a new one. With plans to make it not suck. How long will it take? No idea. I am excited tho. Also, if you wanted to play the beta for my old Carbon Fighters, here you go.
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